All You Need to Know About the Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief

Back pain has become one of the most common disorders affecting people everywhere. You have to only look for people around you to find someone who has had back pain or is suffering from back pain. And if you happen to be one of them, you may have been told to practice yoga asanas for back pain by many. It may be your physician, a friendly neighbor, a concerned family member, or even your co-worker. Yoga exercises are often advertised as the go-to pain-relief hack for back pain.

Why is yoga for upper back pain so popular for upper back pain treatment? Yoga is an ancient mind and body healing practice for a large part of the world. Its appeal as a non-pharmacological, easy-to-practice, low-cost therapy has intrigued new practitioners over the last few decades. Yoga poses or asanas are low-impact physiotherapy exercises for back pain that help improve the back’s strength, flexibility, and balance. If practiced correctly, they can not only prevent but also bring relief from back pain.

3 Beginner Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief

Back pain occurs as a result of injury to one or more structures in the back. It may be from the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, intervertebral discs, or nerves. Yoga asanas temporarily relieve the tension among these structures and bring relief from pain. Here are 3 Yoga asanas for back pain relief that you can try as a beginner.

  • 1. Cobra
  • 2. Child
  • 3. Cat and Camel

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