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Be a diploma holder in traditional manual bone setting affiliated with Bharat Sevak Samaj (BSS) at Vedic Kaya Sadhana and start healing people suffering from chronic pain joint and bone issues. Our course follows the chiropractic method of bone setting.

Traditional manual bone setting is a kind of folk or alternative medicine engaging joint manipulation to treat people suffering from bone injuries, especially bone dislocation. The process has been in trend in developing countries such as India, as well as other Asian countries, South America and Africa. The practice was developed before the arrival of osteopaths/chiropractic and physical medicine specialists as well as physical therapists. There was a time when there was no chiropractor or orthopedic surgeon. And bone setting was the only option for treating people suffering from bone dislocations and injuries, even bone fractures. Usually, the practitioners didn’t have formal trainingin modern medical procedures. But over time, the situation has changed a lot. Today, you can have proper training in traditional manual bone settings. The practice of manual bone setting is very much in vogue.

Usually, people look for a traditional bone-setter when there is a shortage of trained orthopedic surgeons. In fact, in today’s world, traditional bone-setters and orthopedic surgeons coexist in developing countries. Though there is formal training available for bone setting in modern-day medical science, still virtue and knowledge are passed down through apprenticeship. Otherwise, some are taught through on-the-job training.

Bone setters or bone setting practitioners

Traditional manual bone setters or bone setting practitioners have expertise in alignment of joint bones and restoration. They apply their process to restore normal movement of joint to full functionality. However, many of the setters don’t have proper training as per modern medical procedures. But Vedic Kaya Sadhana has arranged a course to teach the methods of manual bone setting. Apart from bone fractures and dislocations, they also treat musculoskeletal injuries. In India, manual bone setters are called Haad Vaidyas. In Japan, they are known as Sekkotsu and in China, it is known as Die-da.

Treatment procedures

Usually, the bone setters use many methods of bone setting that might include bone manipulation, local application, herbal topical applications, spells, and incantations. The treatment procedure is faster in comparison to orthopedic surgeries.

Bone setting treatment

Bone setting treatment is used to treat different conditions and those may include:

  • Bone dislocation
  • Muscular sprain
  • Chronic pain including neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Arthritis
  • Spondylosis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Headache
  • Leg length incongruity cause by hip misalignment, etc.

Advantages of bone setting

  • Pain relief – Traditional manual bone setting manipulates bones and joints and through manipulation, it ensures a natural healing process. Traditional bone manipulation can significantly heal people suffering from joint and muscle injuries as well as chronic skeletal conditions like back pain and arthritis. The treatment is meant to restore bone alignment and movement of traumatized bones or joints that caused pain to the patient. The treatment heals the inflammations, stiffness and swelling.
  • Mobility improvement – Traditional manual bone setting engages the use of different manual techniques to strengthen muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It assists in the realignment of the musculoskeletal system while enhancing body flexibility by amplifying the elasticity of the muscles and increasing the length of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments ensuring better mobility.
  • Improvement of function of joints, nerves, muscles and organs – Bone setting, often involving manual manipulation, aims to restore proper alignment of bones and joints. By realigning misaligned joints, it reduces pressure on surrounding nerves, enhancing nerve function reduces nerve interference, enhancing communication between the brain and body and alleviating pain. This restoration improves mobility and muscle function, allowing for better movement and strength. Additionally, bone setting can promote circulation and nerve potential aiding organ function. The release of tension in the musculoskeletal system can also alleviate stress and enhance overall well-being. Through these mechanisms, bone setting supports the body’s natural healing processes and improves overall functionality.

At Vedic Kaya Sadhana, we offer BSS affiliated Diploma in Traditional Manual Bone Setting following chiropractic methods. This is a 1-year course. Classes are held only on Sundays. The course fee is Rs. 1500 per month and an entrance fee is Rs. 3550. Please call us @ 9830708601 for more information on the course.

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