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Welcome To Vedic Kaya Sadhana

Vedic Kaya Sadhana is a government registered Organisation. We are working from 2016 in the field of Education, Social Service and Health Care. Our institution conducted different careeristic vocational courses of Yoga Certification Board (YCB) Govt. of Ind. , Indian Yoga Association (IYA) and Bharat Sevak Samaj (BSS).

Vedic Kaya Sadhana is also engaged in providing services to society for holistic health through yoga and naturopathy along with others alternative therapy. It is also associated with voluntary social welfare services named Enlightening lives. Which work with under privileged children to improve their knowledge of value education, health education also physical mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Our clinic deal with modern scientific applications of traditional drug less therapy. We believe humans body is an unit, our body, mind and soul is working integrally. Our integrated approach of drug less system treat the patient as a whole not the symptons, because symptomatic treatment can suppress the disease more deeply and turn it into chronic illnesses. So our evidence based drug less therapy give us holistic healing from inside out.

Our treatment approach is diagnosis, protocol design, lifestyle modification, patient education and health promotion!


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